Visual metrics

CSO Study

Custom Research

The Situation

A mid-sized technology company was seeing to elevate their brand and position themselves as superior to their competitors.

The company’s target audience was comprised of senior level security decision makers, such as a Chief Security Officer (CSO).

The Challenge

The company was smaller than its competitors and needed to develop a strong brand, organically, on a smaller budget. The company needed a comprehensive content and events programme to support its growth.

Further to this, the key decision makers they were targeting often had issues securing funding for security solutions, as there was no clear budget definition for this type of product. The company sought to understand more about this dilemma of the CSO and implement a strategy that would equip their sales people with knowledge and metrics to help CSOs confidently purchase the company’s solutions.

The Solution

A Custom Research project was established which sought to better understand the needs and challenges of CSOs. A number of prominent CSOs were interviewed by a third-party analyst firm, in order to add credibility to the study.

Through the interviews and other data acquisition projects, an overall survey document was created, in addition to smaller verticalised reference guides for CSO budget planning.

From this initial study, the content was able to be dissected and run into 6 different campaigns consisting of both digital and traditional event components.

  • 64

    Pieces of content were created

  • 07

    Events were executed

  • 01

    Press briefing was conducted

  • 37%

    Brand recognition grew by 37%

  • 15%

    Share of voice increased by 15%.

  • 230%

    There was a 230% increase in leads generated.

  • 140%

    140% increase in marketing pipeline

  • 300%

    300% increase in closed deals