Process Digitisation

We approach process – in a methodical, outcomes based way. Where the beauty comes through simplicity and laser focus on what we are out to achieve having a clear RoI framework around this.

Phase 1 - Discovery Workshop

Working we the client, we establish all potential user types, build their profiles and focus on the pain points (rather than solutions).

Phase 2 - Ideation/MLP Development

We test the ideas and feedback received. We look to solve the biggest problems first but think big with our designs so that other features will easily be rolled out in the future. 

This results in a minimum learnable product - one which is presented back to our users to click through and sign off that the flow solves their problem.

Phase 3 - MVP Dev and Testing

Emboldened by our user feedback and confident we are solving a problem - put together a minimum viable product with fast iterations - reacting to how people interact and use it (or don’t) through polling and tracking.

Phase 4 - Scale and Launch

With the MVP built, users onboard, and engaged, we will have a full build brief – with costs and timelines well established.

With a well-structured database designed with growth in mind and proven user interface and user experience through our previous tests – we take the risk out of development and leave investors confident and informed to pull the trigger on the build.


After any phase, you would be able to take all of this learned information to whoever you like in the market after that. It should provide a good roadmap to digital strategy and a well-researched business case to go forward with.