NCI Australia
The Challenge
NCI Australia own and manage two cray computers. These are funded in large part by the Federal Government and host data on behalf of institutions such as CSIRO, The Bureau of Meteorology and The Garvan Institute. NCI Australia wanted to explore a strategy on how to communicate with all their stakeholders in a consistent framework.
Our Approach
Visual Metrics conducted a full discovery of NCI Australia’s high level processes, built out user needs and customer journeys. A mapping exercise was established in order to match the needs of the NCI Australia board and investors with the content they were looking to receive. This mapping also included outlining what NCI Australia innovation team and their infrastructure teams were delivering, reviewing client case studies such as the CSIRO, and finally determining how all of these parts could be explained to the public.
The Result
A framework was designed with NCI Australia to conceptualise how to communicate with the different audiences in the physical world, as well as in the form of a microsite and series of explainer videos. A format was built, where different co-partnered case studies could be showcased and the general public could participate and learn about one of Australia’s most technologically advanced companies.